Wednesday, May 19, 2010

The happy journey I went to Kunching,with all my best friends especially Sau Yeng.


If you think of failure, you will fail.
If you do not have the heart to achieve, you will not succeed.
If you want to win, you must not let the word "FAILURE' enter your mind, or success will never shine on you.
If you are not working seriously,you will fail.
By observing nature and the universe,it has been found that success originates from one's own will power. Everything is controlled by the human psychological condition.
If you wish to fall behind you will fall behind.
If you aspire for the highest position,before you can succeed, you must have the belief " I WILL MAKE IT'
life is like a constant battle, we do not only need to be strong and fast to win,as all the people who eventually achieve success,are people who sincerely believe that "I will make it"

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Five star Malaysia
Over the years,Five Stars Tour had revolutionize the concept of a coach When it comes to Luxury Coach Service, sevices,five Stars never fails to be at the top of consumers'mind. Each coach trip promises to be of world class standard that provide you with the comfortand enjoyment.